jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Legalization of Marijuana.

While this issue is considered controversial among societies, we must be aware that times change and with it brings major renovations that benefit the entire population, therefore, we want to expose our points in favor of the importance that such a simple action such as the legalization of Marijuana.

The rate of criminalized often it is associate with illegal substances known as drugs, when the government considered illegal increases the chance that your market is more interesting for the antisocial, and that legalizing this plant will reduce traffic index harmful products illegally, because although the common cigarette is also a substance harmful to health, which is legal does not cause anti-social problems in society.

This plant is also used for many functions such as the manufacture of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, colognes, beer, cream, clothes, all based on cannabis. In addition studies supported by the corporate health worldwide, have shown that as medicine is very effective in asthma, changes psychiatric and to treat severe pain of cancer and many medical centers are using this plant in their treatment.

Not all marijuana or cannabis should be automatically considered criminals, drug traffickers or dysfunctional people, the main effect of consumption it's to be relaxing, so you tend to become more passive and enters a state of peace and harmony with the environment and the world around him, so it helps to curb violent criminal networks that occur because of the traffic and consumption.

Today we have a more open mind and criticism from various points of view regarding the legalization of drugs, especially marijuana, as this is a natural plant that provides the same type, which helps our body and our mental health to improve and try to be better every day, remember that nothing is wrong if there is no excess.

Blind Side (The Michael Oher´s Life)

The blind side is a movie that shows us the life of Michael Oher. A person who suffers many critical experiences in his life and then by the help of a woman, he had a family; and finally became a very important athlete in USA.

Before he met that woman (Leigh Anne Roberts Touhy), Michael didn´t have a place to live because his mother was a drug addict and the government took him and his brothers. Besides he didn´t have any academic education   and the teachers of the school didn’t want to help him because of  his bad grades. Also he was such a very shy person with low self esteem, he didn´t speak to anybody and always was alone.

After he met the mother of his unique friend in the school; she helped him and gave him a home. She gave a room, a bed, food cloth and even a car; all this because she wants to make him part of the family, and of course the love became him a different person in addition she hire a tutor in order to obtain better grades, in that way he could get a scholarship as a American soccer player in the Missisippi University.
Finally his personality changes a lot. Michael became friendlier; he trusts himself and had a better self esteem. To conclude this movie that shows us the story of a poor and a lonely person without future, changes his life with love, compression, trust and help, to finally become in a successful athlete well known in the USA


jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Facts vrs Opinions


I know a man who despite not living in extreme poverty, become professional was impossible because barely had to eat
His parents worked every day and every night, her mother as a seamstress and his father as a farmer he and his brother worked after going to school in different activities, with much effort he was able to study and finish his major

He is a very intelligent person when he finished his major he began working for a construction company and was able to help his parents and his brother. Years later with the knowledge necessary, he set up his own construction company and now has so much money, travel often and their cars and house are so expensive and modern.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Migration Advantages

     Migration is a contentious topic, but for us it has three main advantages. The first advantage is that immigrants do jobs that local people are not willing to take, for example we know of several foreigners in our towns working in agriculture and construction. The second advantage is the cultural integration which increases diversity as the different foods; like “pupusas” from El Salvador and the “nacatamal” from Nicaragua, also the language is enriched because each country has its own forms of expression for example people in Costa Rica use the word “mae” to refer to another person and in  Panama they use “pana”. The most  important advantage for us is the economic aspect, it significantly improves the income of the country, according to a study by CATO Institute which says that migratory legalization will cause $ 180 000 millons in benefits for American families. To sum up, we believe that although migration is a contentious topic it has many advantages which we  agree with.

Works cited:
International Organization for migration (2010) About Migration http//:www.iom.int/jahia/about-migration/lang/en
 American´s voice (2010) Migration in USA http//:americansvoice.online.org/

Globalization of infectious diseases

 Migration is closely related with the globalization of infectious diseases. According on an Article Globalization of infectious diseases: The Impact of Migration by Brian Gushulak and Douglas McPherson, of The University of Chicago Press "With up to 20% of the World Population Living Outside of Their country of birth, The Potential Impact of Population Mobility on health and on the use of health services of host migration ITS Nations is Increasing in importance "A year ago the world experienced the consequences of the Swine Flu H1N1,  according to World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cases with this disease was much higher than the 4379.
 There are countries that are much more vulnerable for example, according to Executive Summary - The Globalization of Infectious Disease (1998) "Africa and India Both Population Suffer Significant Losses Each year from infectious and parasitic diseases. Approximately 5 million people in Africa and 2 million people in India - Mostly Children and young adults - Die Each Year Because Of These diseases. Africa and India's 7 million Deaths infectious disease account for 70% of infectious disease Deaths worldwide and 13% of all Deaths worldwide.
Infectious diseases worldwide are caused by many factors one of them is migration of people, it does not respect class or condition that is expected to take all

Works cited     

1.       Institute of Medicine of the nationals academies (2006) The Impact of Globalization on Infectious Diseaseshttp://www.iom.edu/Reports/2006/The-Impact-of-Globalization-on-Infectious-Disease-Emergence-and-Control-Exploring-the-Consequences-and-Opportunities-Workshop-Summary.aspx

2.       Salud.com  (2010) Gripe porcina en el mundo, ultimas noticias http://www.salud.com/salud-en-general/la-gripe-porcina-el-mundo-ultimas estadisticas.asp